Introduccion a la literatura hispanoamericana
Course Description
The purpose of this course is to survey the development of Spanish-American literature from the earliest times to the present. It is intended as a preparatory overview for more in-depth courses. By the end of the course, students will be familiar with the major movements and figures of Spanish-American literature from the sixteenth century to the present. To do this, students will read texts as examples of historical literary movements, and will focus on the development of a method for reading critically. Students will learn how to identify and discuss: themes, plots and structure, and poetic tropes such as symbols, metaphors, and allegory. For all practical purposes, the readings will be presented through a basic theoretical approach suitable to understanding literature as a product and producer of a legible cultural matrix. The course will be conducted in Spanish
The format of the course will alternate between lectures given by the professor and seminar-style discussions of the required readings. The amount of reading, writing and critical thinking required for this course will be considerable, as we will discuss major literary works, periods, styles and critical approaches. Be prepared to spend a good amount of time reading, writing and thinking.
Learning Outcomes
The learning outcome for the study of a modern language as part of a minor/major requirement is to bring the student to a level of advance/superior in the target language as defined by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). For modern languages the learning outcomes for the four language skills and culture at the advance/superior level can be summarized as follows:
Texts and Materials
- Teresa Méndez-Faith, Panoramas literarios: América Hispana (Hougton Mifflin Company, 2008)
- Handouts - Download from Sakai (Resources)
- A good dictionary
Syllabus (pdf)
Saint Anselm Academic and Computing Links
General Policies:
Computer access: The general rule is, "never turn in a paper without running the spell check!" Please be aware that since computer use is required for many of our courses, the lab does become crowded, particularly before class. Students who stop in with minutes to spare many not find a vacant computer or printer, and thus may not be able to turn in an assignment. See the policy on Late Work.
Late Work: Late work will not be accepted. Please do not ask for extensions. There are no make-up quizzes or exams. Do not make travel arrangements until you have consulted your mid-term and final exam schedule. Exceptions to this policy will be made only in cases of serious illness, injury or other serious emergencies, of which verification must be provided.
Office hours: I enjoy the opportunity to speak with my students. Drop by whenever you wish.
Accessing and Communicating Course Information: This syllabus and other important information for this course can be found at Sakai. Paper assignments, web links and other information will be posted there regularly throughout the semester. Students are responsible for material posted there, so please be sure that you can access the site, and that you are signed up to receive course e-mail at your CAMPUS e-mail account. I know you get a ton of e-mails. However, you are required to check and keep open your campus e-mail account for crucial campus communications. Please see the Student Handbook for details. Students should keep their e-mail accounts active by checking regularly and clearing out deleted mail. Any emergency course cancellations will be communicated by e-mail.
Course and College Policies
All topics, quizzes, exams and their dates are subject to change. Advance notification will be given in case of any changes.