SP 356 - Grading
Attendance: Students are advised to read the attendance policies in the Student Handbook. More than two (2) unexcused absences (one week of classes) will negatively affect your final grade. Please be on time. No points are awarded for attendance; it is expected! If students miss class for any reason, they are responsible to catch up on their own. Further, students not attending class are unable to participate and thus will automatically receive a 0 for that day.
Participation in class discussions: All students will have the opportunity and the responsibility to participate in class on a regular basis. At random, students will be given the opportunity to respond to an aspect of the theme that the class is discussing. The professor will take notes regarding the relevancy of the response. Willingness to participate, preparedness and creativity will be rewarded at the beginning, but expectations will rise as students become conversant in the material and approach. Students who do not or cannot attend class are unable to participate. They will automatically receive a 0 for that day’s discussion/activity. The following criteria will be used to evaluate class participation:
A range: Very dynamic engagement in all class activities: Student is consistently prepared for class sessions, very often begins interaction, participates actively and promotes participation in partnered and group activities, collaborates keenly in the creation of the learning environment.
B range: Active engagement in all class activities: Student is generally prepared for class sessions, often begins interaction, participates actively in partnered and group activities, collaborates in the creation of the learning environment.
C range: Moderate engagement in class activities: Student is irregularly prepared for class sessions, seldom begins interaction, and participates moderately in partnered and group activities.
D range: Very little engagement in class activities: Student is seldom prepared for class sessions, never begins interaction, participates little in partnered and group activities.
E range: No visible engagement in class activities: Student is usually unprepared for class sessions, doesn’t participate in partnered and group activities, interferes with the creation of the learning environment.
Presentation: There will be one presentation for which an assignment will be given at the beginning of the semester in order to practice and prepare. Remember that you are not allowed to read during your presentation.
Papers (3): Each student will write three research papers (4 - 5 pages). The topics will be discussed in class. It should be well informed and effectively argued. The first paper will be on a literary or cultural work read in class, and the second one will be on a topic we haven’t read but related to the class (You will receive more details in class). Students are expected to incorporate the critical method outlined in class into the analysis of a novel, a short story, or a collection of short stories. Further, these papers must: 1) formulate a clear position and argument; 2) provide supporting evidence with citations from the text(s); 3) present ideas in a well-organized format; and 4) pay close attention to grammatical accuracy, spelling, format, critical thinking, etc.; 5) be turned in on time.
Quizzes (4): There will be four quizzes during the course of the semester. The quizzes will cover the material (short story/novel) studied before each quiz. The questions may include multiple choice, true or false, identifications, and short answers.
Mid-term (15%) The exam is cumulative and includes literary theory as well as culture and/or literature.
Native Speakers Sessions (10%) Regular attendance and participation is mandatory. Native speakers’ sessions meet once a week. You are allowed one absence without penalty. Each absence following will lower your grade. Classes begin on the second week of the semester.
Final exam (20%) The final exam is comprehensive and cumulative and includes literary theory as well as culture and/or literature. The final exam is during final exam week.
Grades will be based on the following scale: